
Result for: b team

Why Eastern Europeans have all the physical attributes to dominate BJJ and Grappling.

Russia’s Aleksandr Karelin Have you ever wondered why the Eastern European countries dominated the Olympics in wrestling and weightlifting? Also why international strongmen competitions have...

Vienna BJJ Open 2012 results and review

This Saturday February 11 Vienna, Austria was host to the first edition of the Vienna Open. The competition brought together all clubs from the region, from Macedonia to Hungary all the way to...

Exclusive interview with Leonid Gatovskiy, Russia’s first BJJ black belt: “BJJ in Russia is expanding”

Leonid Gatovskiy with Renzo Gracie and Georges St Pierre 1. Hello Leonid, Please introduce yourself to the Eastern Europe BJJ community? Hi! My name is Leonid Gatovskiy. I’m 31 years old and I’ve...

A Brazilian who brought BJJ to Albania, Paulo Rigon: “You tap countless times, get frustrated a thousand times but you never give up.”

Paulo Rigon with his daughter Julia 1.Paulo, you are Brazilian, lived in the states, and now live in Albania where you teach BJJ. How on earth did that happen? My wife is Albanian and she always...

BJJ in Turkey, Burak Değer Biçer: “My goal is to make my students better than me”

1.Hi Burak, can you introduce yourself to the Eastern European bjj community? First of all I think that it’s great that you are creating a website that unites this region. We really needed it. I...

European champion at white, blue & purple belt, Romanian beast Camil Moldoveanu:” I want to live this BJJ lifestyle forever”

1.Camil , please present yourself to our community, where are you from, how old are you, what do you do for a living? Hello, I am from Bucharest, Romania , 25 years old. Since I graduated university...

4 times world BJJ champion, Yuri Simoes: :”I’m going to be an icon in this sport”

1. Hi Yuri, can you please introduce yourself to the Eastern European BJJ community? Hi guys, first of all thanks for the opportunity, I am a BJJ black belt and a BJJ Athlete, all i do in my life is...

Exclusive interview: Fabricio Werdum BJJ Black Belt Bojan Mirkovic from Croatia

1.Bojan, please present yourself to our community, where are you from, how old are you, what do you do for a living? First of all thanks for inviting me for an interview, and compliments for the...

Shout out to new brown and purple Belts in Serbia: Mateja Valjarevic and Uros Domanovic

 Black belts Jovan Zerjal and Slobodan Davitkov of Zerjal Team Serbia recently had some new promotions after the European Open in Lisbon, Portugal. Receiving a much deserved brown belt was Mateja...

European Open 2012: Rodolfo rules in Lisbon

This Sunday the 29th marks the completion of the European Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal.  Rodolfo Vieira repeated the stellar performance he put in at last year’s Pan and Worlds,...