

After ‘Discarding’ MMA Fight Against Musk, Mark Zuckerberg Aims to Challenge UFC Fighter

What Is The Half-Nelson In BJJ?

4 Ways To Improve Your BJJ Defensive Game

5 Must Know Triangle Escapes For Your BJJ Game

What Is The Buggy Choke In BJJ?

Watch: After BJJ, Tom Hardy Tries Out Historical European Martial Arts

Josh Hinger: “Don’t Go To Competitions With Doubts Or Regrets”

Firas Zahabi Shares “Do’s & Don’ts” Of Being A Good Training Partner In BJJ

Eddie Bravo Shares Intense Story Of Almost Getting Robbed

Here’s How To Counter The Saddle – With An Outside Heel Hook

Here’s How To Do The One Arm RNC (It’s Super Powerful)

The Front Headlock To Near Side Cradle Is As Savage As It Sounds

This Spider Guard To Armbar Setup Is Extremely Effective

Pass Spider Guard With Ease – With The Toreando Pass

Omoplata Counter vs Single Leg Takedown: Works Better Than You Think

The Ankle Roll Is A Great Single Leg Takedown Defense

Female Judo Champion Throws Security Guard During Public Confrontation

How to make money on betting game aviator

Elon Musk: “I trained in judo, Kyokushin (full contact) & no rules streetfighting”

Chatri Sityodong Calls Out ‘Bully’ Elon Musk: ‘He Knows Nothing About Fighting’

John Danaher: “How Fast You Progress Is Not As Important As How Long You Progress”

Gordon Ryan: “No One In The World Can Beat Nicholas Meregali”

The Importance Of Absorbing Ideas In Jiu-Jitsu (Not Just Being Exposed To Them)

Chatri Sityodtong: “The Biggest Misconception About Martial Arts Is That It Is About Violence”