
Dave Camarillo: “Mark Zuckerberg Is One Of The Best Students I Ever Had”

Dave Camarillo: “Mark Zuckerberg Is One Of The Best Students I Ever Had”

Mark Zuckerberg isn’t “just” a multibillionaire entrepreneur who changed the world with Facebook…
But he’s also an avid Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner – who recently competed at his first tournament, winning gold and silver medals!

His coach, Dave Camarillo, couldn’t be more proud of his student.
He praised the business mogul’s work ethic, as reported by the ESPN:

He’s amazing. He is an extremely hard worker, as everybody knows.

But a lot of people have a business and they’re successful and they have that side of their life, and rarely do they dip into the physical side, especially with something like Jiu-Jitsu and MMA, and have the same amount of success or even go past Day 1 or Month 1.

He’s not that kind of guy.

Camarillo believes that the Meta founder and CEO has found a proper balance between his work and training.
And yes – that he is one of the best students that he has ever had:

I think he has a good balance between what he does with his business and what he does in the physical realm.
And he excels. He’s one of the best students I’ve ever had.


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