
BJJ White Belt Disqualified for Biting Opponent’s Ear in Competition

BJJ White Belt Disqualified for Biting Opponent’s Ear in Competition

In a shocking turn of events at a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition in the UK, a white belt competitor was disqualified for biting his opponent’s ear. The incident occurred during a match when the competitor found himself mounted and facing a choke attempt. Desperation took hold, and in an attempt to escape, he bit down on his opponent’s ear.

The bitten competitor screamed in pain and immediately signaled to the referee. The match was halted, and after a brief examination, the referee disqualified the biter, upholding the integrity and sportsmanship that BJJ prides itself on.

The Incident

The match started with both competitors showing good sportsmanship and respect for each other. However, things took a drastic turn when the white belt found himself in a tight spot. With his opponent working on securing a choke from the mount position, the pressure mounted both physically and mentally. In a moment of panic, he resorted to biting his opponent’s ear, an action that is strictly prohibited in BJJ.

The opponent’s scream of pain was audible across the mat area, and he immediately pointed to his ear, which bore the marks of the bite. The referee intervened quickly, separating the fighters and assessing the situation. The decision to disqualify the biter was swift and clear, sending a strong message that such behavior has no place in BJJ.

Other Examples of Dirty Moves in BJJ

While biting is a rare and extreme example of a dirty move in BJJ, there have been other instances where competitors have resorted to unsportsmanlike tactics. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Eye Gouging: One of the most dangerous and unsportsmanlike moves, eye gouging can cause severe injury and is strictly forbidden. This move involves intentionally poking or gouging the opponent’s eyes, often in a bid to escape a submission or gain an advantage.
  2. Hair Pulling: Although more common in self-defense scenarios than in competitions, hair pulling can occur in desperation. This move can cause significant pain and distraction, giving the offender an unfair advantage.
  3. Fish Hooking: This involves inserting fingers into an opponent’s mouth and pulling at the cheeks or mouth. Not only is this move unsanitary, but it also causes extreme discomfort and can result in serious injury.
  4. Groin Strikes: Deliberately striking or kneeing the opponent in the groin area is both dangerous and unethical. This move can cause severe pain and temporary incapacitation.
  5. Small Joint Manipulation: Attacking fingers or toes (small joint manipulation) is prohibited in BJJ competitions. These attacks can easily break or dislocate the small joints, leading to long-term injury.

Upholding Sportsmanship in BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is renowned for its emphasis on respect, discipline, and sportsmanship. The incident at the UK competition serves as a reminder of the importance of these values. Competitors are expected to adhere to the rules and maintain a high standard of conduct, both on and off the mat.

Instructors play a crucial role in instilling these values in their students from the very beginning. White belts, in particular, are taught the importance of respecting their training partners and the rules of the sport. The disqualification of the white belt for biting is a testament to the sport’s commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all practitioners.

While the disqualification for biting was an unfortunate incident, it highlights the need for continuous education and reinforcement of BJJ’s core values. By doing so, the sport can continue to grow and thrive, ensuring that all competitors enjoy a fair and respectful experience.

Ear biting DQ at Bjj competition
byu/Trigonthesoldier inbjj

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